How Olympics announcers talk about athletes, based on their age — Fusion

Getty ImagesAge 15: “You are watching the future of the U.S. Olympics team right here. So young. So much heart. Such a long career ahead of her. Endless promise.” Age 19: “This athlete is at her peak, but if she doesn’t get it done this year, she may look back and regret it forever. At…

via How Olympics announcers talk about athletes, based on their age — Fusion

Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 33 Review

Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 33 has arrive!! Nike Pegasus has been one of Nikes running shoes for a long time. Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 33 is a running shoe which will give you a smooth, snappy ride. With its finely tuned out sole that features impact absorbing cuts, this pair is meant for your rough and tough regime.

Nike Air Zoom Pegasus 33 continues the use of Nike zoom cushioning in the mid-sole. Zoom cushioning is part of the Nike Air family and is designed as a lightweight, durable cushioning.The thin cushioning is designed to bring the foot closer to the ground and rebound quickly. This type of cushioning is meant to be responsive and from running in the shoe. The shoe has a smooth responsive ride that meets right in the middle when it comes to cushioning.

The upper of this shoe is very comfortable and uses a thin fly mesh material with an inner sock like liner attached to the tongue of the shoe that creates a pocket for your foot. It fits snug through the entire foot.


Tom Tom Multi-Sport Cardio Review

As mentioned by the name itself, Tom Tom multi-sport cardio is a fitness tracker meant for different type of sport such as cycling and swimming.

TomTom Multi-Sport Cardio
TomTom Multi-Sport CardioThe battery life is alright. You can get six to seven hours of use per charge. There is no touchscreen here or indeed buttons, just a large joystick-style pad at the base of the watch. It’s a fairly left-field navigation method, but the user interface is pretty intuitive, the monochrome LCD screen providing good contrast.

TomTom has not gone for anything radically new in design. The strap is removable and swappable for a small range of signature colours. It plugs into a sizeable charging sled with an inbuilt USB cable. On the plus side, the unit sits on the desk upright so you can see charging progress easily, although you can’t operate the watch while it’s connected.

It didn’t take long for the watch to find and display my heart rate, and it was easy to monitor the all-important “zone” when running or pumpin’ iron – a “treadmill” setting lets you use the watch without GPS, in the gym or home.

The heart rate monitor is accurate enough, kept in the optimum position by the broad strap. The watch is comfortable in use and prices have dropped considerably from the TomTom’s launch.

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5 Benefits of Running

Running is a popular and common form of exercise. All you need is a pair of good running shoes and you can start running. List of Running Shoes

Find of more on the List of Fitness Tracker available in the market

Benefits of Running

1. Increased bone density  Running stresses your bones. Essential minerals are sent to the bones when under stress, which makes them stronger.

2. Helps to release stress  Running boasts the brain’s serotonin levels which make you calmer and more relaxed.

3. Increased joint strength Running helps to increases the strength of your ligaments and tendons. You’ll find your joints will be able to withstand more mileage and more uneven terrain.

4. Improve immune system Regular running helps to build up your tolerance to germs which results in fewer minor illnesses.

5. Strengthens your lungs It helps to increase lung capacity from logging mile after mile.

Why Employers Give out Free Fitness Tracker?

Over the years, companies have added wellness programs to encourage more healthful, less-sedentary lifestyle habits. Getting employees to participate in wellness programs has been somewhat of a challenge, however, because many employees do not want employers having access to their health information

In 2013, according to BBC, more than 2,000 firms gave out fitness trackers for free to employees and this number is going still going up till date.

Of course companies want their employees to be healthy, but they also have another incentive: a healthy staff means fewer sick days and increased productivity.

30 Day Fitness Challenges App

  1. Regular exercise will help to keep you mentally sharper
  2. Reduce in sick days. One study found that people who participated in a daily exercise regimen saw a 40 to 50 precent reduction in respiratory infections, according to Breaking Muscle.
  3. Another interesting point BBC makes, and something anyone using a company-distributed activity tracker should be aware of, is that it strips employees of some privacy.

Popular fitness tracker

Fitbit Flex Wireless Activity + Sleep Wristband, Black

Benefits of Using Resistance Bands For Exercise

Resistance bands are great for those who want to exercise at home, or who like to take their workouts along when they travel. It is light, easily kept and convenience. These inexpensive exercise tools are a convenient option for people of any age or fitness level. But don’t let their simplicity fool you. Resistance band exercises are surprisingly effective and offer many benefits over traditional free weights.

  1. A cost effective work-out

Whether you buy them individually or as a set, resistance bands are an inexpensive addition to your home gym equipment.

2. Adapt easily for multiple fitness levels

Resistance bands come in multiple resistance levels, usually light, medium or heavy. You can further adjust the amount of resistance during exercise just by giving more or less slack on the band, as well as by combining multiple resistance bands to increase the challenge.

Resistance Band Selling at $19.95

3. Exercise your whole body

Many resistance band kits come with suggested exercises for nearly every major muscle group in your body. Stepping on one end of a resistance band or looping it around a stationary object.

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4. Save on storage space

When you don’t have a lot of room for a home gym, resistance bands are a great option that store in very little space. You can hang them on a hook after you exercise, or coil them up to store in a box or drawer.

5. Exercise safely, even when alone

Resistance bands offer strength-training without the risk of dropping a heavy weight on your foot or crushing your fingers between weight plates. That makes them ideal for working out when you don’t have a personal trainer or exercise partner to spot you.

Hoverboard (Read This Before Buying One)

News has been peppered with reports of hoverboards exploding and catching fire. Cities are banning them from roads and sidewalks. Airlines won’t let you bring them onto planes. Retailers such as Amazon and Overstock are stopping sales of some models or even telling consumers to trash ones they’ve already received.

So what is Hoverboard?

These hoverboards can’t actually levitate. Instead, they use wheels to roll across the ground. It sounds lame, but really, they’re far more fun to ride than a skateboard. Ignoring the reality, the hoverboard moniker has stuck in pop culture. So for this article, that’s what I’m calling them.

The more accurate name is “self-balancing scooter,” and what you get is a two-wheeled motorized gadget. These scooters look and work like miniature Segways, minus the handlebars, moving forward when you lean forward and braking and reversing when you lean back. And as with a Segway scooter, you face forward while riding, instead of facing to one side as you would with a skateboard. You control and steer them with subtle movements of your feet, legs and torso.

Hoverboards have two pressure-sensitive footpads that control your speed and allow you to steer with your feet. The boards begin moving when you step on, which makes them tricky to mount and dismount. Because there is no handle to steady yourself, getting your balance can be tough and it’s easy to fall off while you get used to the board. You’ll use your core to keep yourself balanced and also feel the burn in your calves and feet, since the muscles in those areas help you steer.

Is Hoverboard Safe?

There have been reports in 2015 of hoverboards combusting or exploding, and the culprit seems to be faulty batteries. Hoverboards are powered by large lithium ion batteries that can overheat and explode under rare circumstances.

Some reports suggest that these faulty batteries are an issue particularly with cheap, generic boards you can find on eBay and Alibaba for under $300. However, the Consumer Product Safety Commission is investigating the safety of all hoverboards across all brands, trying to understand why the fires and explosions are happening. Until the investigation is complete, we won’t know for sure which brands are prone to disasters. In the meantime, to minimize the risk of a fire, experts recommend not charging a hoverboard overnight or while away from your house.

Rule of thumb, buy from direct manufacturer

The rule of thumb is to buy a hoverboard directly from the manufacturer to minimize the risk that you’ll get a fake. (See “What are the differences between the top hoverboards?” below.) That said, buy and ride at your own risk because there’s no guarantee that any hoverboard won’t catch fire or explode.
